Calibrating, and repairing.

Is your weighing system due for calibration or a service appointment? Contact us, and we'll arrange a suitable appointment for your weighing system. Together with you, we'll determine the best location for the service. This may be at your site with one of our service technicians or at one of our service centers.

Weighingexperts is more than a webshop!


Is your weighing system in need of calibration or maintenance? Contact us, and we would be happy to schedule a suitable appointment for your weighing system. Together with you, we determine the best location for servicing. This can be done on-site by one of our service technicians or at one of our service points.

Calibration of Weighing Systems

Calibration is an inspection of a weighing system to determine if the instrument complies with legal requirements. It is recommended to have a weighing system calibrated annually. With our years of experience in calibrating and certifying weighing systems, we are here to assist you.

On-Site Calibration

Weighingexperts has all the necessary equipment to calibrate or certify your weighing system on-site. You no longer need to travel far for calibration or certification, which maximizes the availability of your staff and vehicles.

  • Problemen oplossen voor alle typen weegschalen.
  • Grondige analyse van defecten door vakkundige experts.
  • NMi gecertificeerd voor keuringen.
  • Kalibratie en jaarlijks onderhoud op uw locatie.
  • Kalibratie en reparatie in onze werkplaats.
  • De toonaangevende weegspecialist in de Benelux, al jarenlang.

Contact us for a appointment